
```golang package main import ( "fmt" "os/exec" ) func Subprocess(command string) { cmd := exec.Command("bash","-c",command) output,err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Execute Shell:%s failed with error:%s", command, err.Error()) return } fmt.Printf("Execute Shell:%s finished with output:\n%s", command, string(output)) } func main(){ fmt.Println(`************************* 1.d查看磁盘信息 2.f查看内存信息 3.ip查看IP信息 4.h查看主机名信息 *************************`) var cmd string fmt.Print("请输入你的选项:") fmt.Scanln(&cmd) switch cmd{ case "1" , "d": Subprocess("df -h") case "2" , "f": Subprocess("free -h") case "3" , "ip": Subprocess("cip.cc") case "4" , "h": Subprocess("hostname") default: fmt.Println("请输入【1|2|3|4】") } } ``` ```bash #!/bin/bash function ssh_cmd(){ expect -c " #$1 = "HOST" , $2 = "USER", $3 = "PASSWD", $4 = cmd set timeout 5; spawn ssh $2@$1 $4 ; expect { \"password\" { send \"$3\r\" } \"(yes/no)\" { send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue } } ; expect eof " } ssh_cmd root 211314 ls ``` ``` #!/bin/bash cmd="ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MHSQ@2022mysql';" function mysqluse(){ expect << EOF spawn mysql -uroot -p$(cat /mysql/mysqld/mysqld.log|grep password|awk '{print $13}') expect "> " {send "$cmd\r"} expect "> " {send "exit\r"} EOF echo '' mysql -u root -pMHSQ@2022mysql -e "create user 'commute'@'%' identified by 'MHSQ@2022commute';" mysql -u root -pMHSQ@2022mysql -e "grant all on *.* to ' commut'@'%';" } mysqluse ```